Category Archives: volunteer

Kidmin Take Over!

Kidmin Children's church

Kid Nation at South Hill's Church

For the past two weekends our Children’s Ministry (Kidmin) has taken over our church…and it has been fantastic.  Last weekend Pastor Justyn Smith and his team took over our extended campus and this weekend they took over the main campus. From the Kid’s worship team leading songs with bubbles and confetti, to Pastor Jesse and the comedic antics of Cowboy Curley Joe bringing the point home. From the story telling sound effects of  Timmy to the powerful message from Justyn… it was truly amazing!

Why would we do that? Why would we allow the Children’s Ministry to take over the main service. The primary reason… Kids are important! Very important!  The two secondary reasons are one, to highlight what an amazing Kidmin team we have, and to allow everyone to see what their kids get to experience every week. Second, volunteer recruitment. When people see what an amazing ministry this is, and how exciting and rewarding it is to help in that area, they are much more likely to come on board than with the typical “sign up table” or announcement in the bulletin.

I know what many of you are thinking “that’s great for you, but we don’t have those kinds of resources.” Even if you are at a smaller church, you can still have a fantastic Children’s Ministry. There are great resources available too, if you just know where to look. Join a Celera Kidmin group, check out the blogs of the Kidmin Coaches, many of them have free resources and great ideas. Kidmin should never be an after thought, it should be at the top of the list. When a Children’s Ministry is strong healthy and growing, then chances are much better that your church is strong, healthy and growing.

Until next time,

Chris Sonksen


“If I could relive my life, I would devote my entire ministry to reaching children for God!”

-Dwight L. Moody